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libvirt error v6.0rc3


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Hi guys,

I wish someone can point me an easy fix for this error.

I know I should update to last stable version, but to do that I need time. Promise I will this soon.

Until then is there any easy way to check for what may be causing this error:

Warning: libvirt_domain_get_block_info(): cannot stat file '/mnt/vm/w8/w8d11.qcow2': Bad file descriptor in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/classes/libvirt.php on line 981 

I had created a vm which had w8d11.qcow2 as image file (located in /mnt/vm/w8 outside of the array). I moved this image file to cache directory, but after that everytime I start unraid I get this error. If I select "delete vm+image" it disappears, but if I reboot Unraid I get this error again.

Any place I should delete something.

Any hint?


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