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preclear.sh needs update due to movement of mdcmd

Alex R. Berg

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unRaid 6.1 moved /root/mdcmd to /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd.


The preclear script still uses /root/mdcmd. I think this might mean that preclear will not detect whether user is trying to wipe a disk already in the array.


The old preclear thread seems to be closed: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=2817.0, I cannot reply on that thread, and the download link is still there, so that could be a problem people accidentally downloading that link.


A change like seems to work:

# unRaid 6.0.1 -> 6.1.2 moved mdcmd from /root/mdcmd to /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd
[[ ! -n $(type -P "$mdcmd_cmd") ]] && mdcmd_cmd=/root/mdcmd
devices=`$mdcmd_cmd status | strings | grep rdevName | sed 's/\([^=]*\)=\([^=]\)/\/dev\/\2/'` 


instead of this


devices=`/root/mdcmd status | strings | grep rdevName | sed 's/\([^=]*\)=\([^=]\)/\/dev\/\2/'` 


Best Alex

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Yeah, I've added that to my config/go-file as I expect there might be other scripts with similar problems. I have also searched my flash drive for 'mdcmd' and fixed all the /root/mdcmd references I found, but still some might be hidden inside archived files I expect.


Personally I've just fixed my copy of the preclear script, but that won't help others, hence this thread.

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