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Video Card for VMs, four displays


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I don't do gaming at all - but might tinker a little with that new Cityscapes Skylines game...


I want to use my new UnRaid 6 machine as my desktop computer - with four displays:

Sharp 65" TV - VGA or HDMI

Wacom Cintiq 12" drawing tablet - DVI

NEC 19" display - DVI-D

NEC 15" display - VGA


I mostly use the TV for everything - the two small displays for keeping an eye on downloads and the sort; the tablet for photo editing, of course.


I've never bought a video card before...  Motherboard video was always adequate.  I'd like something a little future-proof, but I'm not into video games, so I don't need horsepower.  Should I do display ports and a bunch of adapters, or what do you suggest?  I can do a couple hundred dollars.


(I can get model numbers for the above displays if that's helpful.)


I was looking at the 750TI, it seems highly suggested here - but I don't know how to know if I can use it for the above displays.



If this is really worth it, this is about the top of my price range: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125777




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