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Multiple disk failures - HELP!


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So, I took a quick look at my syslog and noticed a bunch of "program smartctl is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO" errors.  Soon after I get a notification that DISK8 has been taken offline.


I took my chances and tried to put the disk back into service byt...


- stopping the array

- unassign disk8

- start the array

- stop the array

- reassign disk8 (I was able to select the proper disk)


However, the disk came right back as "unassigned" prior to my starting the array.  So, I rebooted the server thinking that maybe the controller needed to be reset.  Once it rebooted, I stopped the array again and assigned DISK8.  This time it stuck.  I started the array and a data rebuild initiated (as expected).


Within 1 minute, I started to see lots of errors in the syslog.  I see errors on DISK3 (even though it is still green) and DISK8 is disabled.


Do I have a failing controller?  Multiple disk failures?  Bad cables or power?


Right now I have the array stopped but the server powered on.  I have attached the diagnostics.  Any help would be appreciated!






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