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go file, crontab and calling shell script.


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I'm trying to schedule a shell script in cron.


I've edited my go file per a forum post to add the entries into crontab:


# crontab stuff

crontab -l > /tmp/file.cron; cat >> /tmp/file.cron << EOT

# Run lftp every minute

* * * * * /boot/custom/pull.sh

* * * * * /boot/custom/watch.sh


crontab /tmp/file.cron; rm /tmp/file.cron


What I'm getting are emails saying that it cant find the scripts. I've tried putting them on a drive mounted under /mnt and as you can see in /boot/custom:


/bin/sh: /boot/custom/watch.sh

: No such file or directory


They exist in /boot/custom

-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root  584 Sep 24 21:33 watch.sh*

-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root  699 Sep 24 21:33 pull.sh*



Edit: I just tried /bin/sh /boot/custom/watch.sh via the shell and it did execute as expected.


Do you guys have any idea why cron cant find the scripts?





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