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Vsphere esxi passthrough Gtx 970 issue


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Hi Geeks ,

Could someone help I have Esxi6 I was able to passthrough videocard to guest os but cannot install drivers.

It shows yellow device manager even if I delete default SVGA 3d and reinstall drivers for gtx 970 in device manager yellow disappear it doesn't work.Could someone help.

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Last time I checked people were only able to passthrough nvidia quadro cards on ESXi or cards they had modded into Quadro. But perhaps that has changed?


People seemed to have better luck with AMD/ATI cards on this platform. I had a 3450 and a 4850 passed through successfully with ESXi 5.5, but the cards were secondary adapters (you could still play games on them though). There was no way I could find to remove the VMWare VGA adapter from the VM, and I think I had problems if I disabled it in windows. The VM bios has no options for video card settings at all. Maybe they fixed that in 6 though. Unfortunately, I had a few weird driver bugs with the last legacy drivers which was a real bummer since they don't get updated. But I confirmed the problem still occurred on bare metal so I don't think it was related to pass through.



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