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OpenELEC + RetroPlayer Test Builds


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I don't know how this snuck past me, but there are test builds of OE + RP now available:  http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=173361


Last time I even bothered to look at that thread, I think there were only Windows builds.


I just downloaded the latest one (10-06-15 as of this writing) and used my OE PXE booting method (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41381.0) to get a VM up and running in 10 mins.  5 mins later I was playing NES, SNES and Genesis ROMs.  The game controller setup is still a work in progress but seems to work fine for the 3 platforms I just mentioned (using my XBOX 360 wireless controller).


BTW...there is an addon for this called "Internet Archive ROM Launcher" (http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=231339) that basically lets you select the console of interest, select game you want to play, downloads the ROM and launches it.  I cannot imagine that this is legal and have NO idea how this functionality has not been nuked by the powers-that-be.  That being said...it works BEAUTIFULLY!  :)  Of course you can also add local ROMs.


There is still a LOT of work to be done in this arena but things seem to be coming along nicely.  The only game my wife cares to play is Bubble Bobble on the NES so I am covered.  I may be able to ditch my hacked together OE + RetroArch concoction soon enough.


Here is a vid showing IARL and RP in action:




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Thanks for posting this! I recently setup my rpi 2 with Rasplex and Retropie using the image found here (https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=120700) and was looking to copy the setup to UNRaid.


This will allow me to setup the rpi as a mobile gaming setup. I'm curious how my nes usb controllers will work with passthrough. Hopefully I can find some time to play with it this weekend.

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