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Unraid - Virus


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I apologize if this question has been asked before, I did a quick search and I was unable to find an answer.


I recently found a virus on a stored file on my unRAID box. I don't believe the file was ever executed but wanted to confirm what the risk posed was. Is unRAID itself susceptible to a virus or would it be the Window/Mac machine which executes the file that is at risk? Is there any reason to be concerned or to try and scan my full array?


Thanks for the help.

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unRAID could be susceptible if the virus was written to infect a linux OS but I would assume that the virus would need to be specifically written for unRAID because it would need to reinstall itself every time unRAID rebooted. If it was an .exe or .dmg file then only a windows or mac OS could execute the file; however once the virus is executed, if it's intent is to mess up network attached drives then unRAID data could be in trouble (for example if it is a Ransomware and encrypts all your files). Did your antivirus program detect it?

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Further to what archedraft said, the file infected with the virus needs to be execute in order for the virus to be activated.

Just having a file with a virus on it on your computer (regardless of OS) doesn't mean the virus is killing your system. It will sit there until you execute the file.

As UnRAID is a storage device, it doesn't go around trying to run every file on the harddrives in the array. It just stores the data.

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My anti-virus software detected the virus when the file was being copied over to my local windows machine. The file was not executed and thus I think it is safe to say everything should be fine.


It sounds like there is limited value in trying to scan all my drives or installing a Linux based virus scan on unRAID.


Thanks for the quick reply.

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