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RFS to XFS conversion slow transfer, help request


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Good day crew, in prep to use Dynamix File Integrity plugin, 6.2's 2nd Parity drive, and a move to SSD 850 Pro Cache I am converting all of my Low Power Server's disks (signature specs) from RFS to XFS.


I am using screen to rsync -avPX /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk4/


However the transfer is SLOW.  After 2.5 days only 2.89 of 3.2 TB has been moved.

All disks are on my SuperMicro X7SPA-HF-D525 motherboard's sata controllers, Mover is disabled (actually set to monthly for now), and read access is very limited.

ST4000DM000 5900 RPM RFS to HGST HDN724040ALE640 7200 RPM XFS


Are these speeds normal (as the drives are all protected by parity), and if not anyway to speed these transfers up?  Any other info I can share to help?


Thanks crew


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2 items found


1 - Transfer speed is 24.5 mb/s for most large files (5 GB) while the screen is left open, smaller JPG files are at 375.9 KB/s.  Again, this seems to be very slow for a Disk to Disk on the same controller... are my expectations wrong?  (edit... missed the mb vs kb distinction... speed fine I believe for a 5900 rpm disk)


2 - looking through the logs after noticing that disk 1 & 4 kept spinning down - Mover schedule changed to monthly on the 1st, confirmed in the settings/schedule, yet mover is still running every 4 hours which spins up all disks and then spins down all disks... despite nothing on cache to move.  The transfers do not resume until something causes disk 1 to spin up again (like accessing a file).  Leaving screen open allows the disks to stay spun up even post mover.


thanks for considering.  I am on 6.1.6

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