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[SOLVED]9p sharing implementation for HDHomeRun DVR


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Short synopsis of the environment.


Unraid 6.1 with Debian 8.2 VM to be used with HDHomeRun DVR installed.  Goal is to use the place any HDHomeRun DVR recordings on an Unraid share for offering recordings to other media clients and platforms, tablets, etc. 


Created an unraid SMB share of HDHomeRun set with Public permission.


Completed the 9p sharing configuration on the Debian VM and have run into what appears to be a permission issue between the VM And the Unraid share.  *ISSUE* from the VM one can create, modify files in the share, however a list (ls -lai) shows nothing in the directory/share.  From the SMB/CIFS side via Windows I can view the files in the directory.


Example on the VM and mount point /mnt/hdhomerun I can create a file called blah.txt (vi blah.txt) place gibberish within, write quit.  Perform the list command.  Nothing shows.  However I can change the file (vi blah.txt) view the contents and write, quit saving changes without issue.


At this point I'm unable to proceed as the installation for HDHomeRun DVR on linux requires the recording engine binary and conf files be placed into the defined "recordings" folder that I have defined as the Unraid HDHomeRun share.


VM config XML for associated 9p sharing:

<filesystem type='mount' accessmode='passthrough'>
      <source dir='/mnt/user/HDHomeRun'/>
      <target dir='hdhomerun'/>
      <alias name='fs0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x02' slot='0x01' function='0x0'/>


List of permission for hdhomerun mount point:

root@hdhomerun:/mnt# ls -lai
total 8
390963 drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Jan  9 21:45 .
     2 drwxr-xr-x 21 root root  4096 Jan  8 22:13 ..
     4 drwxrwxrwx  1   99 users   52 Jan 10 09:15 hdhomerun


The owner is a undefined UID 99?  The original group was root, I changed group ownership from root to users to see if would make any difference, hasn't to this point.


Listing contents showing nothing.  Yet the share/folder is populated with several files created from the VM and the Windows side.

root@hdhomerun:/mnt/hdhomerun# ls -lai
total 0


/etc/fstab entry

hdhomerun       /mnt/hdhomerun    9p rw,dirsync,relatime,trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev   0 0


From the Windows side via the SMB share HDHomeRun blah.txt permissions, attempting to change any of the permissions on the file doesn't change the result.  Unable to change the assigned Unix/group permissions from the Windows side on any particular file.


Open to suggestions.  Thanks.








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