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Accessing unRAID externally


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Hi guys,


A very noob question. I'd like to be able to access my unRAID shares externally as well as control Deluge and couchpotato. I assumed I should use VPN for security. I have Netgear R7000 router with built-in support for dynamic DNS and VPN. I enabled both, installed certificate on my Android phone and verified that I  can connect to VPN using dynamic DNS. But what do I do now? How do I access Deluge and couchpotato over VPN? Port forwarding? If so, which port(s)? Also, what is the best way to expose unRAID shares over VPN? I'm very new to this concept, so a detailed guide / explanation would be greatly appreciated. Or, at least, point me to a thread that discusses this kind of a setup. I searched support forums, but couldn't find one that is generic enough.



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I don't have that router but there is a setting which changes which subnet your VM connected devices get placed in...


Enables use of the internet connection over the VPN without access to the LAN, that's all I can think of as causing your issue..

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