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Downloading speeds of 3.5 bytes per second from Unraid server (SOLVED)


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Running v 6.16 of unraid.

I noticed this week that transfers (read and write) from Tower have taken a nosedive.

I used a Windows10 PC to move files from and to the server, just run a test and browsed to the flash to try and backup the OS and configuration and replace it with a blank 6.1 installation, but it would take me over a day at current transfer speeds... something is seriously wrong here.

Windows10 PC and Unraid server are connected directly on a gigabit switch.

Status reports come back fine, all drives are clean in terms of SMART reports.

I can download files using the Limetech UI very quickly (5.8GB file downloaded in under two minutes), but if I try to use windows explorer or other applications (like FreeFileSync) I experience the same issue with very low speeds.

I tested internal transfers between disks using rsync and I get average speeds of 20MB per second.


Is this an authorization problem? Ages ago I seem to remember I had to do something to open up access to the server on my PC, as login and password access was not working, but I cannot remember what it was. I wonder if a windows update broke whatever fix I put in place and now it is screwing everything up for me. Server is right now unusable.

Any help and suggestions are welcome.

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