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How to resolve audio static


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Just wanted to stop by and say that I was having audio static on my windows 10 VM's. After trying a bunch of fixes I eventually ran across an article from vmware that suggested turning up the bitrate on the audio device in question.


TL:DR - Audio static can be resolved by increasing the bit rate.


How to -


1. Right click audio in windows (bottom right)

2. Select "playback devices"

3. Select whatever your audio device is and right click to properties

4. Advanced tab increase the bitrate to atleast 16bit, 48000 Hz



Windows 10




Unraid 6


Note - First time posting so if this is in the wrong area or largely irrelevant let me know.



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So did that completely fix your "static" problem. I had issues with sound quality that were fixed by switching to Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI).


Could you post a link to the VMware article?




Sure, here is the article





It did fix it for me on both vm's with windows 10. One I did the MSI fix for and the other I did not, both were resolved by changing the default bit rate.

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