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Parity & Disk 1 never spin down


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Hi, I did some searching on this topic and tried some of the solutions that I came across, but still haven't fixed my problem.  Im hoping someone can figure out the issue Im having.


Im running Unraid version 6.1.9 with the following dockers running from the cache drive;

gfjardim - CrashPlan

aptalca - Duckdns

sparklyballs - Krusader

yujiod - MineOS

gfjardim - ownCloud

limetech - PlexMediaServer

linuxserver - Transmission


For troubleshooting I've installed as suggested in other threads;

Fix Common Problems plugin by Squid

and also Open Files plugin by dlandon which appears to show that no files are in use on Drive 1


Ive attached the diagnostics zip if that could help sort out this problem.

Thanks for helping guys.


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