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[SOLVED]Very laggy PC with Graphics Driver installed After Unclean shutdown


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Running to VMs off unRAID. After having an unclean shutdown last night, after accidentally putting one of the VMs to sleep and not being able to wake it up again, now whenever I install the Nvidia driver for the GPU, the entire system becomes laggy, unresponsive and glitchy. Removing the GPU in Device manager along with the driver software fixes the issue, but that is obviously not ideal.


I tried recreating the VM with the same vdisk images as before, same result. My only other solution so far, would be to recreate the VM along with its disks from scratch. Again, not ideal. Restarting the array has no effect. The other VM so far is not affected, so it's a software issue I think.


I'm running Windows 10 on both VMs, off of unRAID 6.1.9.


Any ideas and suggestions to solve the problem would be welcome.




Gigabyte Z87x-DS3

Intel i7-4790

32GB GSkill DDR3 memory

Cache disk: Samsung Evo 850 1TB SSD

Array disks: 1TB and 2TB Hitachi HDDs


GPUs: Gigabyte GTX 780 3GB, Gigabyte GTX 960 2GB.

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After a couple restarts, as well as switching around which CPU threads went to which VM, the issue seems to have resolved, for some unknown reason.


Happy I don't have to format my PC though, so if someone ever encounters this issue, stay  patient and try a few things.


Best Regards.

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