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A successful unRAID migration after catastrophic system failure (water leak)


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I'm very new to unRAID, still in the early phases of moving data and building the system-to-be.


Here's my newbie positive success story  :)


I pulled out a water cooled (Thermaltake) Prescott/MSI-NForce4 machine from the closet for testing. All was well, and I started migrating some data.


Alas - the only 2½ year old water tubes were filled with micro-cracks, resulting in a major water leak after some hours of operation, and the system crashed. I came in to the office and was met with green water on the desk and floor and a silent machine. After drying up, i managed to get the system up and running again, and


  Success #1: Although the system had crashed mid transfer, everything was fine, and the array went up no problem :-)


I decided to add another disk:


  Success #2: I simply had additional disk space after disk was entered into the RAID and formatted.


Then, after another day of operation, the MoBo finally gave up, probably due to post trauma stress from the water  ::)


Fortunately, my used Asus A8N-SLI Premium had arrived in the mail. I mounted it up in the cabinet, replacing the drowned MSI. Hooked up disks and unRAID USB key. And...


  Success #3: I was able to restart the array with all data intact after just placing the disks in the correct slots. Just like that. On completely different hardware. 4 real!  8)  ;D

I'm completely amazed that this actually works, and that without any tweaking or "... I just have to update this driver and that config.ini and this whatnot..." like I'm used to in Windows. Just plug and play...


  Success #4: Obvously I have also tested the removal of a disk and seen that work as well. All data intact.


So - to the development team behind the software and all you old-timers who have helped bringing unRAID to where it is today:  Thank You!!!  :)


I feel almost guilty to just come riding in from the East and harvest the benefits - but it's very nice indeed!


Best regards from One Happy Camper,


Niels, Denmark.

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