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One more question.


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One more for you guys,


Would you recommend 1GB of RAM or will 512MB suffice?


I plan on this build:



Sempron 3000

4 - 500GB WD (or Sammy)

1GB or 512MB Corsair Value Select DDR2 667 (PC5300)


2-3 clients accessing at the most, all hard wired.

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cool... yeah i planned on two sticks for the dual channel....nice to hear that 512MB will do....save a few bucks....


ive used corsair value ram alot and never had issues with performance or compatability...i dont really verclock, not even my gaming machines, so i cant speak to its performance in that regard...


thanks for the info.





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I mentioned "value" RAM not because of it's ability or inability to overclock, but rather that some motherboards won't recognize a pair as a matching set and leave you with a single channel setup.


And yes, it's happend to me (Corsair ValueSelect RAM and an Asus P5PE-VM mb)

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Unfortunately, because I reboot my unRAID so infrequently (knock on wood), I didn't catch it in time for RMA.  I've hunted around the Asus bulletin board and found another user with the same problem, but I want to wait to raise it with technical support until I upgraded my MB to the latest BIOS.

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i havent checked recently but i doubt they addressed the DVI port issue i had with my a8nvm-csm thats in my htpc....


dvi out was a no go to my 32" lcd...had to fool around with swapping crt to vga then trying to trick it into working...was a nightmare and disappointing because i bought that model due to the fact that it could do everything...i wound up installing asus' 7600gs silent and disabled onboard video in the bios...havent really looked back...i considered yanking it to use for my unraid server but ive got my htpc just were i want it...and it might not have worked with unraid anyway...seems to be that unraid requires a fairly narrow hardware path unless a person is willing to troubleshoot...being mostly self taught in everything, sometimes i just wanna take the path that others forged if ya know what i mean...


lots of venom on asus' forums sometimes but other than that issue theyve been a rock for me...


bummer about RMA...i expect i will reboot infrequently as well...ill have to "torture" it a little....i like to "set it and forget it" lol.....at least thats the goal

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