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KVM - Access to VM's IP Address


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I am playing with the Openflixer VM and when it is up and running it creates an IP address that you type in a browser to complete setup.


In this case it is displayed by the VM. However, all of the other IPs my router gives out are 192.168.0.xxx IPs.


When I try from another PC on my network it times out. Is there something I have to do to make that IP available to my network?


My Windows 10 VM runs fine...


Thanks for any help.


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It depends on what bridge you have assigned to the VM Ethernet.  The default of virbr0 is a NAT bridge that only allows outbound connections, and it appears you are set up this way at the moment. To achieve what you want you will need to use  the br0 bridge (if necessary enable this under Settings->Network).  Once you have done that the VM will appear as directly attached to the Normal LAN network and have an address in the 192.168.0.x range.

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It depends on what bridge you have assigned to the VM Ethernet.  The default of virbr0 is a NAT bridge that only allows outbound connections, and it appears you are set up this way at the moment. To achieve what you want you will need to use  the br0 bridge (if necessary enable this under Settings->Network).  Once you have done that the VM will appear as directly attached to the Normal LAN network and have an address in the 192.168.0.x range.


Awesome! Thank you!

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