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Windows 7 Installation pauses VM


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Hey guys,


I've already installed a Win10 VM a few weeks before and everything went fine but this time I want to install a Win7 VM and I can't get it to work.


First step of the installation (copying files etc.) works fine then it restarts once and works on the last step "completing installation..." it works for a minute but then it freezes. At first I thought it's the installation itself, but then I saw in unraid, that the VM is paused. I don't know why it should pause there and I can't continue the vm since I get the error "internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'cont'...".


I'm using 6.2.0-rc5 right now.


Did this happen to anyone else or does someone know a solution?




EDIT: For everyone else having this error: Using only one cpu (I chose default cpu0) works. Although changing it back to 10 cores caused a freeze on the first boot again.. Don't know why but now it works.

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