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Sine Parity is on, CPU Usage very high


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I just turned Parity on yesterday. Took around 10 hours to "initialize". I'm running unRAID on a HP MicroServer Gen8 (Celeron / low budget).


But now even if I don't transfer any files the cpu usage is always pretty high (around 50%) and I don't understand why (of course my dockers are running, but nothing is downloading, streamed or something like that, just simple idle).


The bigger problem is streaming while transferring new data to the array. While transferring my cpu usage is constantly over 90%. If I want to stream a movie (direct stream, video stream is fine, audio needs transcoding), I get a lot of buffering. Of course a better cpu could solve the problem, but is it possible to limit the cpu usage for the transfer (which will take longer than) to get more power for streaming meanwhile?


EDIT: Did some research. The process "node" uses around 30% cpu power every few seconds. If I watch the cpu usage using the web interface the cpu load jumps high alternatively on both cores.


EDIT2: It seems as plexrequests was the problem, doesn't work right now (since I updated it I guess) and if I shut it down everything seems quite normal...

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