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New unRAID install, cannot copy to-from Tower

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Newbie. Checked forums, purchased hardware, downloaded v.4.5.3. Specs below. Set up OK, web interface works, SATA disks shows up, parity finished in 10 hours without errors. No user shares (basic vers.), disk shares mounts on WinXP and Mac OSX ..

but cannot copy a file to / from share! Copied files sometime shows zero size, sometime looks OK with correct size but cannot copy back. Can create directories, copy files to newly created directory and .. no way back! When touching these files on unRaid, WinXP machine freezes, open windows from unRaid share becomes unresponsive, etc.


Ironically, I cannot copy back saved syslog.txt file from Flash share, too.


Where to look now? BIOS sett.? AHCI to IDE? Some unknown to me nettwork settings?


P.S. Parity disk is Seagate ST31500341AS - 1.5Tb - but already on CC firmware, so no Seagate bug here.

P.S.S. Installed two times from scratch...



Asus M4A78L-M LE / 2Gb Kingston DDR2 / Seagate 1.5Tb + Samsung 1Tb + Samsung 1Tb / 2Gb Kingston C_10 / 350W Altis

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Thank you for answer.

Yes, I checked syslog, but (for me) it shows nothing suspicious.

Should there be any syslog records about file copying activity?

Is it OK just to post last syslog here?


Parity finished without errors. All looks ideal, except I cannot copy to-from. Thats very strange.

When I copy file to Tower from MacOSX (both L&SL), Finder shows Error -51, file appears on destination with zero size.

When copying file to Mac, again Error -51, file lands on desktop but is corrupted. May be its already got bad on Tower, when upped from Win machine. Cannot copy back from Win mahine too. Sometimes I can upload file from Win, but it looks like it got corrupted anyway.


My final thoughts now is - may be network chip on motherboard is not compatible?

I found info about "ASUS M4A78L-M passes unRAID level 1 test" here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=5642.0

Being in a bad mood I purchased M4A78L-M LE board, which I thought to be the same without DVI and HDMI connectors ... but I was wrong. Board mentioned as working has Realtek 8112L network chip, LE variant has Atheros. The only info I got is: Gb Atheros PCIe LAN.

Any thoughts?

P.S. Sorry for wrong section post, if its really hardware issue :-)

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Cannot copy back from Win mahine too. Sometimes I can upload file from Win, but it looks like it got corrupted anyway.

Can you copy a file from the MAC to the window's machine?  


The sentence you posted can be interpreted two ways.


1.  Transfers to the Windows PC from the MAC and from the Windows PC to the MAC fail.


2   Transfers to the Windows PC from the unRAID server and from the Windows PC to the unRAID server fail.


Which one is it?


The syslog is unlikely you show anything on a file-transfer error unless the link to the router is failing.



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The sentence you posted can be interpreted two ways.

I am talking about to/from unRaid copying only, of course.


Thanks for answers, so, here's the beef:

That's network chip on motherboard.. I borrowed Realtek GigaNIC PCI card from other machine, disabled onboard Atheros on mobo, powered up unRaid rig .. and everything's fine. Copying both directions works, from Mac and PC.


From this point I can go and purchase additional GigaNIC card, but just wondering is there any possibility to get onboard NIC working... Because all admin activities works with onboard nic, only file copying not. Somebody has to say something about jumbo-frames, disabling anything in linux guts?  ::)

Thank you, all, for answers, anyway.

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