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Planning a new build (VM's, dockers and gaming)


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Hi guys !


Currently I'm running unraid on my I5 4690k. Running plex, a bunch of docker containers and a gaming VM. Everything works pretty decent... Until someone tries to watch plex(transcoding) while i'm gaming...

So i'm planning this new build. You can find the PC part picker here: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/coldfirebe/saved/dKVGf7


The server will be used for :


  • Data storage
  • Plex (2 transcodes max, usually less)
  • A bunch of docker containers (home automation & torrenting)
  • My main VM with GPU passthrough (work + gaming) on 90-100% of the time
  • My gf's VM with GPU passthrough (gaming). Won't be on a lot... we are talking a few days a month.


For CPU I wanted to go with the new intel 8700k. It has a good core count and is well priced. Ryzen was an option but due to all the iommu/gpu passthrough.... other issues I wanted to go with Intel. I added the H100 to keep the I7 cool. I hear it can get pretty toasty

I'm planning on starting with 32gb of ram, possibly going to 64 later, depending on how often my GF actually uses the gaming VM.

The motherboard i'm looking at is the Asrock Z370 Extreme4. It has everything I need in terms of PCI, 8 sata,.... 


As for storage I'm going to add 2 new 8TB wd RED's, 1 for parity and then 1 8TB + 3TB + 3TB for data storage.

I have another unraid server (just storage) for backup so I don't really think a 2nd parity drive is required (+ all my high important work files are backed up to the cloud as well)

I currently have a 480gb SSD I will be using for cache and a 240 GB SSD i will be using directly (unassigned devices) for my VM. My gf will probably also get a dedicated 120 gb SSD for her VM.


The 2 graphics card in the pcpartpicker are placeholders. I currently have 2 nvidia cards , a 970 & a..760  I think... Still fine for the games we run atm.


For the case I'm going with the R5. I currently have an R4 but with only 1 drive cage... so it's a bit of a pain... The R5 has room for 8 drives & 2 SSD's. Enough clearance on the top for the H100.


I've been wondering a bit about the powersupply, I was thinking of reusing my 650 w but I think I need a little more headroom, and upgrading to a 80 plus titanium is probebly worth it for a server that's powered on most of the time. 


I'm looking for feedback ! Maybe I have to add a 2nd cache drive to keep my appdata safe... Not entirely sure about it... So if you have suggestions or comments, let me know !

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I think the 650 will be large enough.


Sounds like a nice build. Does seem most of the TR/Ryzen issues are solved, but Intel is a good option. The 8700k does not support ECC memory though. Community recommendation is to use ECC memory. If you go with non-ECC, I'd suggest a long memory test (3-7 days) and another test (24 hours+) after a month or two of use. 

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I hate to be that guy, especially after being an Intel fanboy for so long...

They patched the majority of Ryzen's issues, including NPT.  I still can't get the max out of my RAM (2933 vs 3200) and I need ACS downstream+multifunction, but I have 2 gaming VMs each with a GTX 1080, streaming to Twitch on EACH.  I think they've come a long way.  Maybe not the best route, but still worth consideration.


As for PSU, we're hardly eating half of our 850W supply.  I don't ever think I've seen 500W+ on our gauge.  Still, I'm happy to be safe.  Go for a strong PSU early, and it'll ease your mind on other upgrades down the road

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Oh nice to hear about that ! I'd be open to trying it. Can you give me an overview of your hardware? are you on Treadripper or ryzen?


I don't think the ram speed (2933 vs 3200) would make that much of a difference. But the ability to run ECC might be nice, are you running ECC?


I consider myself a geek and I'm learning a lot about unraid but I'm not sure what you are on about with the ACS downstream + multifunction. What is that?


Thanks for the feedback !

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