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Changing Network Settings Drops Docker Connectivity


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This is probably really simple but I'm not familiar with how Dockers actually work to even begin to know where to start.

My server has 2 ethernet ports, I've only used one of them up until now.  When I set up my unRaid server, I didn't think much of it but within my network settings my ports were set up as bonding, active-backup, with eth0 and eth1, and also bridging.  This has all worked fine for over a year but now I have a need for that 2nd interface, eth2.  So I stopped my containers and VMs, turned off bonding, but left bridging enabled.  This works great for the VM that I need to use eth1 on but my dockers stop working.  When I say stop working, from the docker screen they can't even establish a connection to try and update.  Plex still lets me connect internally but externally through plex.tv is a no go.  Some of my docker containers don't even let me connect to them while others let me connect however they have no access to the internet.  I'm assuming it's because these containers are looking for that br0 connection that's established when setting up bonding.  I don't know how to force them all to only use eth0 because I only need eth1 on that one VM i have setup.


Thank you.

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