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SMB Guest Access disabled by default (Win10)


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Hello unRAID team!  I was wondering how to access unRAID shares from Win10 w/o modifying Local GPO's to enable "unsecured Guest access".  It seems that MS has disabled Guest access to networked shares by default in it's latest Win10 update.  Guest Access SMB2 Disabled by Default (Windows 10)


Question: What is the unRAID community's take on this issue and what are the proper security settings we should have enabled on the unRAID side to allow more secure access?  Currently, I have one unRAID access account, aside from ROOT, which is password enabled but I find it hard to use the same account to authenticate to unRAID and shares from Windows.   


If this topic has been brought up and discussed in a previous Topic, please provide the link.



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That note about guest access does not apply to home and Pro versions of Windows 10 so most users will not be affected.


Most issues connecting Windows to unRAID tend to be network or credentials caching related.    I would suggest that you start with unRAID shares set to allow public access and try accessing the unRAID server by its IP address rather than by its name (that avoids having to sort out network issues relating to name lookup).   If prompted for credentials on a share just try any name with an empty password.   That works fine for me.   If you have some stored credentials for the unRAID server then you may need to use Windows Credential Manager to clear them out (one idiosyncrasy of Windows is that you cannot access different shares on unRAID using different credentials at the same time).

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1 hour ago, itimpi said:

That note about guest access does not apply to home and Pro versions of Windows 10 so most users will not be affected.


Most issues connecting Windows to unRAID tend to be network or credentials caching related.    I would suggest that you start with unRAID shares set to allow public access and try accessing the unRAID server by its IP address rather than by its name (that avoids having to sort out network issues relating to name lookup).   If prompted for credentials on a share just try any name with an empty password.   That works fine for me.   If you have some stored credentials for the unRAID server then you may need to use Windows Credential Manager to clear them out (one idiosyncrasy of Windows is that you cannot access different shares on unRAID using different credentials at the same time).


Yes..  all of the suggestions you've mentioned have been attempted with the GPO disabled, but no success, while enabling the GPO allows access to share's like normal prior to MS update.  I was just concerned about MS warning's of insecure Window's clients accessing networked share's while the GPO is enabled and if this has been discussed here in the forums as a security concern on the unRAID side of the house.

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