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Allocation method when writing directly to the drives (not through user shares)

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Hey all,


I don't use user shares to write to my drives as I'm running an ftp server instead. The problem is that i write to /mnt/user/ as opposed to directly to the disk i want, so I'm expecting unRAID to be logical about what drive it should write too. But it doesn't appear to do that. Right now my work-around is to manually move files across the drives so I have an even amount of free space on each drive. But it would be much simpler if there was a way to either manually control what drives get written to (when going through /mnt/user) or actually getting one of the allocation methods to work.




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Interesting ok, I actually already had the share that im writing to setup to use high-water. But forgot to mention that I'm actually binding (using bindfs) /mnt/user/share to another path and writing to that instead. I'm guessing that might be why it's not allocating properly.


- Chris

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