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/usr/local/webGui/scripts/pre update

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Please consider adding the following to the script


exec 2>&1


stderr seems to go nowhere.

It may be worthwhile to put a logger line in there too.


logger -tscripts/pre "$@"

and after the eval, capture the rc and log it.

or just check the RC and if not = 0, then log it as.


logger -tscripts/pre "$@" ", RC:$?"



here is my modified pre script. It only logs if the RC>0



# usage: pre <command>
# Executes <command>, wrapping it's output in <pre></pre> tags.

exec 2>&1

echo '<pre>'
eval "$@"
echo '</pre>'
if [ ${RC} -gt 0 ]
   then logger -t$0 -puser.err <<-EOF
$@, RC:${RC}"
exit ${RC}


here's my example.

Jul 22 15:46:33 unraidvm /usr/local/webGui/scripts/pre: atx -f /etc/cron.daily/updatedb now, RC:127"

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