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cachedisk problem and now the whole system doesnt work


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so yesterday my unraid server crashed, and after it went back up 1 of my cache drives couldn't be mounted any more, i tried to format it again but that didn't work.

i tried to pre clear the disk and then add it in the array again but also this didn't solve the problem. drive is visible in bios an preclear finished normally and with good speeds as well

its a 120gb ssd  


and now the bad thing. but its possible that its not related to the cachedrive problem

now if i boot the server in the gui it cant load the localhost webpage any more so even if i tried to fix the cachedrive problem i could cause i can't make changes to the settings. 

gui is functional so i made some diagnostics.


i also found alot (12) of FSCK files on the root of my boot drive i have red in the forum that its trying to recover files but is that from the usb drive or the disks?

hope someone smart here can help me get it up and running again.



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yeah that was also an idea that i had so but it turn out nothing. 

im able again to connect to the gui again and i was able to disconnect 1 cache drive an rebuild the cache with a backup. so now my cache is half the size but atleast its running again. 


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