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(Solved) Unraid OS not booting correctly


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I have been using Unraid for a few years now and everything has been fine. Today I did some upgrades to my server:


Upgrade RAM

Swapped a data drive for a larger one

Added a SSD which I intend to use as cache drive


Did all the hardware and then booted. Everything seemed as usual and it got to the blue Unraid OS screen. It then seems to load as normal but seems to be stuck. The last message is:


tower login: md: unraid driver 2.9.3 installed


It seems to be hanging from there. Have left for a while and no movement. Any ideas?


I would do a Memtest, and check if the memory is working correctly.

If that doesnt work, disconnect the new drives and try a Memtest.

Proceed from that if it's ok.


Ok running memtest now. When you say disconnected new drives. I assume you mean just the new data drive and SSD drive rather than all of them? Or should I try it with no drives connected to see if I can at least get the OS to boot?


Just a thought, I noticed that while running the memtest that my server 'tower' isn't showing in my attached devices list for my router. At what point would it connect? Only once the OS is fully loaded?


Memtest cycle can run a while, if its running a memtest it won't show up in the network.

If memtest is OK, boot the OS with out the new disks see if its OK.

Then add the disks one for one. (offline and then see if it boots)



Ok so memtest completed all fine.


I tried a quick boot before I start unplugging the drives and it seemed to get a little further before hanging. I now see the following message:


Tower login: md: unRAID driver 2.9.3 installed

mdcmd (1): import 0

md: import_slot: 0 missing


Not sure if that gives any more clues before I start unplugging the drives individually?


Ok managed to solve it. For some reason it didnt like my SSD being plugged into the sata add on card. Moved it to sata port on the motherboard and now booting ok. Thanks for the speedy help SiNtEnEl


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