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Docker Apps keep telling me they need updating


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**Sorry, realised that this would have been far better in the Docker sub-forum than general!**


Hi, every time I update my docker apps, I'm soon told they need updating again.


eg, I can do update --> Docker tab --> Check for updates and it'll tell me there's another update (or it'll prompt me during the overnight check)


When I actually do the update, it then realises I'm actually up to date - so nothing is changing.

IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from binhex/arch-delugevpn. 
Status: Image is up to date for binhex/arch-delugevpn:latest

Seems like it's not 'saving' the current version number or something.

(This applies to all Docker Apps)


I'm on 6.3.5


My repositories are 




Edit 1:

Probably unrelated, but am also having an issue getting my plex server adoption to be persistent - could there be a write issue on the AppData or USB drive or something? Or would that manifest as a more obvious issue?


Edit 2:

I also tried removing & re-adding a docker, but it still exhibits the same behaviour (though I didn't have it remove the image)


Edit 3:

I noticed that Fix Common Problems was flagging an issue stating that the template URL was missing. Went through and fixed these using auto-fix, and the warning no longer appears.

This doesn't appear to have changed the update requirement


Edit 4:

I've tried removing the docker image (for a single app), and had the same result. I've ran a full FCP scan, which didn't identify anything else


Edit 5:

I think my next course of action will be to follow this post on deleting and restoring the docker.img file. I'll hold out until later today, so welcome any other suggestions in the meantime! 


Edit 6:

I've now tried wiping the docker image file and re-adding the docker apps - but I'm still prompted to update. Could this be some sort of network issue? It does take quite a long time for it to do the update checks.



I've now gone ahead and performed the 6.3.5-6.4.1 upgrade - but again, all docker apps are perpetually showing as having an update available.


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