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Newbie to Dockers: Need to run a java CLI app that uses MySQL


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I am attempting to install a Java-based CLI that uses a MySQL database and Jetty web server.


So how do I install all four different applications into UnRAIDS Docker Container(s) so they can all interact with one another?


From my limited understanding, different Docker Containers do not have direct access to one another other than perhaps through an IP:port address, so at a minimum, the Java app and the Java Runtime Environment would appear to require them to be installed in the same Docker Container.  But could I install all in one Docker Container?


I got as far as installing a MySQL Docker Container via Community Applications plugin, created my needed database and user.  But now I'm stuck on how to proceed with the remaining applications.


FYI, I'm attempting to install YAMJ3 on my Media Server UnRAID box.


The lack of responses reflects either there are no easy answers or those in the "know" are too busy to assist at this time or not available.


I've now abandoned using Dockers for my purpose and pursuing a VM approach...


I think you are being vague on how exactly you want to use it. Thus others others cannot provide precise answers. Dockers can tlk to each other as long as you can point to the right IP and port number.



On 2/21/2018 at 8:09 PM, hernandito said:

I think you are being vague on how exactly you want to use it. Thus others others cannot provide precise answers. Dockers can tlk to each other as long as you can point to the right IP and port number.




Not being vague unless you are not familiar with YAMJ.  Since there are quite a few moving parts with YAMJ version 3, all of which I myself don't fully understand the inter-communication aspects between all the components, I can't begin to describe what exactly are the requirements.  Hence, just a generalization that multiple applications need to communicate to one another or run under a runtime environment (e.g. Java).


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