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Deluge speeds have dropped, please help if you can


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Ok, basic info first. Running Binhex's deluge vpn. The only change I have made is swapping out my cable modem. Previously I had an arris sb6121, which was only 4x4 U/D bonding channels. I upgraded from the 60 Mbps service to the 100 Mbps service through charter (spectrum). I now have the arris tm1602. The modem was swapped out, and I verified that I was actually getting 122 Mbps download with speedtest on a laptop connected directly to the modem. I then put the modem through my router, and I was still even able to get 120 via wifi on my phone. 


The problem is, my total download speed in deluge prior to this would fluctuate between 5-10 MiB/s. Now it seems to only want to go up to 2-3 MiB/s. I have tried resetting everything to no avail. I am at a loss as to why a faster connection would give me slower downloads. Any suggestions or things to try would be appreciated!


New modem could mean you might need to turn upnp back on for the deluge port. Also double check if you need to setup a port forward for your deluge port.
Another idea could be how many simultaneous connections you have set in deluge. It could be overwhelming your modem processor (maybe). Just some ideas for you to check.


Not familiar with your modem. Best to check the manual and check portforward.com for a guide. Just googled and the upnp settings is in advanced settings for a similar model to your modem.



11 hours ago, BillClinton said:

Not familiar with your modem. Best to check the manual and check portforward.com for a guide. Just googled and the upnp settings is in advanced settings for a similar model to your modem.


I got into the advanced settings on the modem, but there is nothing listed about upnp. Also, nothing seem configurable on it anyway. So even if I could find it, it doesn't look like I could change it.


As for port forwarding, I was under the impression from talking to others in the Delugevpn thread that it is not necessary to set up. It is supposed to be handled by just inputting the right file for one of the servers that allows port forwarding, which I have done with the Netherlands. Like I said, everything was working well before swapping out the modem, and I was getting very good speeds.


I have tried different levels of connections allowed, none of it seems to make a difference. I have even tweaked the active DL levels. Whether I have 1 active or 50, it just seems to max out at 2 MiB/s. I have tried to see if it was just bad torrents, and added just the Ubuntu torrent, still the same results. Previously when I did this, I would be able to sustain 6+ MiB/s. I just can't seem to get a handle on what has changed.


Like I said, no settings are different. Only swapped and activated the cable modem. If I do need to set up port forwarding (which would seem weird since I did not need to before), what port would I use as the default port for deluge?

7 hours ago, BillClinton said:

In your deluge settings under network; are you using random ports for listening? Try setting it off.


thank you for the suggestions, but I think I have figured it out. I am pretty sure something reset when I swapped out the modem and I was being choked. Even though I had built up a large seed ratio, I think that went away with the switch some how. And as I had no completed downloads, it didn't have anything to seed from. I set it up to seed for an entire day, and my speeds have returned although they still fluctuate. but I am at least able to see 12 MiB/s at times now.


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