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Poor GPU performance

Jose Jimenez

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Hello everyone and thank you beforehand for any help provided. 

I got Unraid 6 and here my 2 Gaming VM setup:

MOBO: Gigabyte GA297x Gaming 3 
CPU: i5-4690k
RAM: Corsair DDR3 24 GB total
PSU:  EVGA G3 850W Gold plus

GPU: VM1 -

  • VM1 - EVGA 1070
  • VM2 - R9 270x Toxic


  • VM1 - Samsung NVME 960 SSD + 2TB 7200RPM
  • VM2 - Samsung 850 SSD + 2TB 7200 RPM

Before we get down to business "Yes! I plan to upgrade to get a better performance for the 2VM setup" With that said:

So far, so good. Everything is working properly with one exception that is driving me crazy. My second VM which have the R9 270x Toxic is showing that the graphics card hit 100% for anything, literally watching a youtube video ramp it up to 100% load. 

My only guess is that this card is installed on a x8 PCI socket. To be honest I'm really lost on this matter.  I need to figure this out in order to be able to take a good hardware choice for the upgrade. 

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