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Live streaming a fish tank, any ideas for a solution?


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Hey All


So basically, I have a fish tank that I want to live stream to a website that I host.


I have an unraid server which is running many dockers, including the Linuxserver LetsEncrypt docker which is my main webserver for various websites I host.


I have 2 potential locations for the camera

  • The best location has power but would need to use wifi for connectivity
  • The alternative location has Ethernet (POE) and direct Power so is very flexible... but I would only use this if a wifi enabled camera is going to be too difficult/expensive/bad for other reasons


I am looking for advice as to a good way of going about setting this up... ideally with minimal cost, and utilizing my unraid server + some dockers for the entire solution.


Any ideas? Looking for software and hardware recommendations!

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