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Base Metal Server to UnRAID


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I'm running a base metal server currently on ProxMox, so far it's been a good OS but I'm wanting something easier to manage. Reading the information available it seems like unRAID is where I'm looking to be, but before I pull the trigger I wanted to list my hardware and see if there were any issues and also I wanted to ask how remote management was. Any help is appreciated, although unRAID looks like it's worth re imaging what I'm running as is. 


1) How is remote management? VPN or SSH support

2) How stable is it running 24/7 with a variety of VM's and Containers? I'm considering running several versions of Windows and Linux as well as multiple containers like Apache and MongoDB. With Fallout 76 allowing Private Servers I might even run one of those hehe.

3) Can it emulate the Google Play store native? I've tried several VM's and have little success

4) Current Equipment, may add a pair of Geforce 1070 SLI later


MB: Z9PE-W8 WS with Remote Management Module

CPU: 2x Intel Xeon E5-2687W


Primary SSD: Samsung Evo 860 500GB

Secondary SSD: Generic 60Gb for caching

Storage: 4x Three TB 5400 RPM's


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