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Force VM to always stay on


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First off, appologies... I'm new to forum'in.


I would love to see a feature added in the future but for now, lets start a topic.

Does anyone else wish/do/want to allow or keep your VM's running 24/7?

I mean, like If the virtual machine decides to shut itself off rather than a reboot -or- a friend is using some of your hardware remotely and accidentally shuts his machine off and has to drag you into remote'in into the entire system to boot it back up.


Let me know your thoughts and findings, it would be greatly appreciated!


(Brand new server build: Dual E5 2696v4 (22c44t x2@oc 3.9Ghz) w/ 512GB ECC 2,400MHz Octa-Channel RAM and loads of other junk...Don't want to bore you)


You can use group policies for users in Windows VMs to disable shutdown so your users can not shut down the VM. I always disable sleep and hibernate functions in my VMs too. This would leave a reboot as the only option left for VM users.


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