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Windows VM crashing under intense CPU load


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I have a Ryzen 2700x running at stock with 6 of its cores (and their associated threads) passed through to a windows 10 VM. The problem is the VM has a tendency to crash (no BSOD or freeze, just a sudden black screen followed shortly by the tiano core logo as the VM reboots) while doing CPU intensive things (mining, video encoding, AI training). These things don't cause crashes on a physical machine. I think I have all the guest drivers installed. Any suggestions? Any specific logs I can give you guys to help? 


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most likely a micro code issue with the processor, you are running a very old bios for your board...  


try that and see if that changes anything...


My Asus board supports updating from directly inside the BIOS, you can check and see if yours does also...


I must admit I currently run Intel boards, and am not totally familiar with the specifics for AMD...  I do understand that Zen boards only recently became stable under Linux/UnRaid though, so make sure everything is up to date...


Your VM is also complaining about the sound card on your motherboard, which tends to be an issue if it shares IOMMU groups with something else the motherboard needs to give to UnRaid exclusively...  Might want to make sure that the IOMMU group for it is all handed to the VM...  On my machine I just got a USB sound-card to just not have to deal with it, though I understand some people have found workarounds...


You may also want to check out this page, but I doubt that you will need to custom sign your drivers, so read down, and try that last... 


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Nvidia encrypts the connection between their BIOS and their drivers now, and sometimes VM's get in the way of that, I had to dump the bios from my 1070 and have the VM load that file every-time it reboots...  I would check out that page as well as watch the YouTube vids about half way down... other than that, it is the last thing I can think of...

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