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Any unRaid and network people in the Charlotte, NC area?


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I'd like to hook up with people that can help me with my equipment when I have problems. Everyone I know is too damn far away and all I can find here are a bunch of d***heads that are great at charging you but not at actually doing anything. I just spent a small fortune (for me anyway) to have my computer hardware reinstalled into another case, upgraded to win7 and my drives put into a raid 5 inside. Right now, the computer runs like shit and I still haven't gotten my unraid up and running. Correction, it IS running but not connected to the puter.


Also, any capable computer builders that can figure out what the hell is wrong with my system?


I can of course pay if I can afford it or trade for services that I"m good at or maybe stuff. I have lots of stuff. Good stuff.


If anyone's interested, pm me please or e mail me at "info at georgepics . com"





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