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if directory has *file*, move directory


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Hi, im searching for a script (or idea)


im using currently

mv *img 

mv *iso

to mv it to watch folder.. any idea how i can also move the directory where the file is in to watch folder? (so that SAME_AS_SRC is working?)









Thats my userscript atm:

mv !*/_unpack/* /mnt/user/downloads/completed/Filme/*/*.[iI][mM][gG] /mnt/user/downloads/DVDR/
mv !*/_unpack/* /mnt/user/downloads/completed/Filme/*/*.[iI][sS][oO] /mnt/user/downloads/DVDR/

logger DVDRs verschoben.


find /mnt/user/downloads/DVDR/ -mtime 7 -delete


touch find /mnt/user/downloads/DVDR/touch
find /mnt/user/downloads/DVDR/* -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;
rm /mnt/user/downloads/DVDR/touch


logger DVDRs älter als eine Woche gelöscht.


Problem is that handbrake dont has the correct directory because its just /watch/filename instead of /watch/moviename/filename

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