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VM disk access/permission problems


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Hi guys,


I'm new to Unraid and I've been running a Windows 10 VM for gaming for a couple of weeks now and have really enjoyd tinkering with dockers and what not. Eitherway, there's a few issues I haven't been able to figure out.


Firstly, all drives (the local disk / vdisk, all shares and a unassigned ssd) show up as read-only within the VM. Read-only is ticked in folder property window and unticking it has no effect. The box is ticked again as soon as the properties tab is reopened. The system is able to write to the drives, but every now and then there's disk access problems, eg. when installing something the installation fails with a disk acces error message.


Secondly steam games installed on the unassigned ssd keep crashing after a while. I'm beginning to belive that these two issues are somehow connected? Maybe a disk acces error leads to games crashing. Anyway. that's just my guess and I hope you guys can dig up someting more concrete from the log fiels I've attached. Thanks for your help in advance!


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