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NEWEGG: Zotac H55 mini-ITX and Intel i3 530 CPU COMBO $190 after $20 MIR


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Newegg currently has a combo deal going on for the Zotac H55 motherboard and Intel i3 530 CPU for $210 - $20 Mail-In-Rebate = $190. This is from a $25 instant price drop on the motherboard and a $35 combo discount.


The Zotac H55 motherboard is in the mini-itx form factor has 6 SATA and 1 eSATA, 1 16x PCI-Express slot, uses the H55 chipset, supports upto 8GB DDR3 1333/1066, built in WiFi via Mini PCI-Express, DVI and HDMI video passthrough for CPUs with integrated graphics, 1 Optical Audio SPIDF and 7.1 Analog Audio ports, with 10 USB ports.


The Intel Core i3 530 processor offers exceptional idle power usage, at times besting the Intel Atom platforms, while offering incredible horsepower if ever needed.


As an added bonus or annoyance, they throw in 6 issues of CPU Magazine.


I believe I saw others in the forums using this combination for their unRAID server with great success.


Combo Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.489882


Damn, I forgot the link. I'm still awake from yesterday, so I'll blame it on lack of sleep.

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