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Ubuntu 18.04 VM to a multiple display client


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I have searched all weekend without success and thought "the guys here will know what to do"...


Firstly, my setup - I have a Dell T5600 with 64 gig of RAM, 20 TB array and 1 TB of SSD cache.  I have no graphics card installed and no display connected.


Basically I have an Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop VM and have been accessing it via NoMachine and VNC on my laptop with a second display.  It is perfectly fine outputting to a single display but I cannot get the VM to push into two displays.  My laptop is running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (as I am trying to ween myself away from Windows for personal use).


I have several Windows VMs (ironically) that I access in dual display mode using xfreerdp - they run brilliantly.


I researched and tried SPICE but that has not worked.  Shame because SPICE looked like the perfect solution.


I have also tried to work out how to add a resolution to my VM to cover the 3840x1080 that my 2x 1920x1080 monitors provide - but I have been unable to work out how this is done.  If I could succeed with this aspect then NoMachine would work (in a sense).


So, I am stuck - How do I get a Ubuntu VM with no physical displays to provide remote desktop access to a dual screen client?


Thanks in advance!!

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