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What do people use to store customisations?


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I have recently been using my cache drive to store customisations like sabnzbd, ps3mediaserver and sickbeard.  However I have decided I have little use for a cache drive and it seems a waste to use a 500gb drive just for my customisations.


Is there another valid alternative that people use to store their customisations?  For example, something like another flash drive (not the bootable one)?



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I use the bootable USB stick.


I am however considering using a cache drive for my sabnzbd/sickbeard/couchpotato combination. The main reason behind this is to avoid wear and tear on the Unraid flash.


Other advantages for me of using a cache drive is that all other drives in the array can spin down while I am at work and sabnzbd is downoading. Less uptime for the drives as well as reduced power consumption.


As I don't need the cache drive for increased write speeds, but only to download, I would love to use a USB stick instead of HDD. Unfortunately the prices for 128GB sticks are 200 € and more.

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