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Unraid Capabilities and Customization.


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Howdy Lime-Tech community!


I'm testing out unraid to run a fairly simple configuration however I am new to this scene. I'm trying to setup unraid to store files locally as a "backup" which I can figure out myself, however, I'm also trying to run an Ubuntu 16.04 VM where I can have ports automatically get opened on my router aswell as use a GRETunnel. A GRETunnel basically sets up a proxy so users connect to my VPS, which fowards traffic. This way I have the DDoS protection from a cheap VPS from a nearby datacenter yet I can host my own high-quality server. Is this within unraid's capability? I'm concerned because they are run in dockers which may cause issues, i'm not sure.


This is the tutorial I was planning on following for a GRE Tunnel: https://wiki.buyvm.net/doku.php/gre_tunnel

Any more tutorials or tips would be appreciated!

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That should work. but you will need to make sure your VM is not NAT'd (connect it to eth*/br*/bond* interfaces not virbr0)

It should be made clear to you (as you might be confused/misunderstanding based on your statement) VMs in unRAID are plain-jane KVM VMs and dockers are another beast altogether.


That said, I'm doing some GRE tunnels too for site-to-site VPNs, but they're all on the router level ( https://mikrotik.com/product/RB750Gr3 ) - which incidentally might be a better architecture for your needs.

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Thanks so much to both of you. I ended up ordering this guy: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dell-PowerEdge-R710-Xeon-E5640-2-67GHz-16GB-RAM-300GB-x-2-600GB-x-3-HDD/192636497562?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649


No details on the RAID card, however I suspect a PERC6I card (as its pretty common). I plan on upgrading the processor when it arrives, and memory at a later date. I'm about to order the HDDs (2tb seagate drives on amazon) I was reading around and saw some people say that SAS drives are not recommended, will I need a different RAID card for unraid to work properly? 

Also, do I need / is it recommended to have a parity drive for each HDD I have?  Thanks. 


Did some more digging, I had a "better" r710 from another seller before and I returned it, thinking the raid card was messed up and thats why it wasn't detecting the drives (another buyer said his raid card was DOA). Turns out I need to flash the card to IT mode? 

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On 9/12/2018 at 6:50 PM, ken-ji said:

That should work. but you will need to make sure your VM is not NAT'd (connect it to eth*/br*/bond* interfaces not virbr0)

It should be made clear to you (as you might be confused/misunderstanding based on your statement) VMs in unRAID are plain-jane KVM VMs and dockers are another beast altogether.


That said, I'm doing some GRE tunnels too for site-to-site VPNs, but they're all on the router level ( https://mikrotik.com/product/RB750Gr3 ) - which incidentally might be a better architecture for your needs.

I can't find where on that page to actually buy that, or look for the price? 

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1 minute ago, ken-ji said:

That was the manufacturer's product page :D

A link (Amazon) https://www.amazon.com/Mikrotik-RB750Gr3-5-port-Ethernet-Gigabit/dp/B01MSUMVUB

Alright. Was kind-of hoping for just $50 rather than paying for shipping. This is something I would put above my current router? 


Nextly, to summarize the above 2 posts into one message you might be able to help me with: 

I'm seeing good and bad things about the H200. If I got it, would I need to change the cable into my R710? Right now I'm seeing about $30 for the new "RAID" card and $70 for this router which, from what I can tell, has a built-in function for GRETunnels? 

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Mikrotik: Its only a suggestion... but this is a router. so you actually replace your router with it. There is a caveat, it can be hard to setup.

Other suggestions: pfsense firewall appliance (you can use a PC for this)


H200 and H700 - they are SAS/SATA RAID controllers so they feature the same cable connections. Key point here is that Unraid should ideally be using HBA controllers (pure JBOD only). RAID controllers (even with JBOD) are not preferred, because they can interfere with the access to the disks (migrating the system later might still need the RAID card) - You should search the forums, but I think the H200 can be crossed flash to work as an HBA (IT mode)

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Just now, ken-ji said:

Mikrotik: Its only a suggestion... but this is a router. so you actually replace your router with it. There is a caveat, it can be hard to setup.

Other suggestions: pfsense firewall appliance (you can use a PC for this)


H200 and H700 - they are SAS/SATA RAID controllers so they feature the same cable connections. Key point here is that Unraid should ideally be using HBA controllers (pure JBOD only). RAID controllers (even with JBOD) are not preferred, because they can interfere with the access to the disks (migrating the system later might still need the RAID card) - You should search the forums, but I think the H200 can be crossed flash to work as an HBA (IT mode)

 I remember reading something like that. Thanks for confirming. Honestly I'm trying to set something up under my existing network. There is a business already running and setup and I don't really want to mess with it. That's wjy I was looking at GRE tunnels, because they are machine specific. If you have any suggestions for something like this, let me know.

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