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Recommendation for Hardware


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Hi there,


after upgrading my HDD I really fall in love with Unraid. Everything works fine, I can game on my machine, have a Windows Server 2016 running, have pfSense running and a CloudServer based on Ubuntu with Nextcloud. Really great. 


But now my wife wants also to game on my server because her Macbook pro is not good enough for gaming. So I am running out of cores :P


I like to upgrade my motherboard and CPU to have more Cores then my i7 6700K has. So I think a Xeon CPU would be fine. Before upgrading I thought I ask you for goof motherboards and CPU for 2 Gaming VMs, pfSense and a Nextcloud Server. 


The following hardware do I use:


1) 4 x 16 GB DDR4 Ram

2) 3ware 9750-9i

3) Intel Quad NIC 1000

And for Gaming:

1 x 1080 GeForce

1 x AMD Vega 64


SO what I need is a new CPU and Motherboard and a good IOMMU grouping :)


So what do you prefer for this?





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