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Wired (unraid) remote


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I would like to move my unraid-box to the cellar, but I want the power-switch and the power-led to stay...


Step 1

If I take another push-button an a led, I can put them parallel to the existing ones of the case?!


Step 2

Cable. There is an unused cat5-wall-socket going to a patch-panel in the cellar. So my idea is

- take an phone-cable with small (4 pin) western plugs

- cut it in two pieces

- solder the extra led and push-button on one end and

- put the other end in the case, like in Step 1


Under normal circumstances, this should be no problem.

But if - by mistake - a pc or network component (GigE) is plugged in on one of the sides of this cable, it might not like it.

The component can find a shortcut or some power (ment for the led) there.



My question:

Can I choose pins on the cable so a mistake would have no impact?



Depending on your answers, it is likely that the power-switch und -led decide not to stay and that they will leave me a note: "Bye. Use s3 and wol..."



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