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IP/Main Powerdown results in reboot


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Good day crew,


If I give my server a single press of the physical powerdown button it shuts down cleanly.

If the UPS triggers a powerdown at a certain remaining battery life it shuts down cleanly.


If via the IP.Address/Main I stop the array and then select power down this initiates the same results as selecting reboot - the machine reboots

Any hints on the first steps of troubleshooting this?


Here is the rig:


I am on 6.5.3 until the 6.6 NFS issue is cleared up on this rig. 


Thanks crew!


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I'd be curious what happens if you stop the array - then on the command line issue:

shutdown -h now


I have a sneaking suspicion your bios is set to restart after power failure or retain existing state after power failure or something and for whatever reason it's not detecting a clean shutdown. In theory the -h flag should tell it to halt and typically that'll keep it turned off, but sometimes it doesn't work as intended.


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Delarius - thank you for that.  the response is the same as if I issue the powerdown command via the powerdown button on the Main webgui screen... it reboots.  


Sadly the bios settings are not available via IPMI so I will need to delay poking around the bios for a short bit. 

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  • 2 months later...



The issue is that newer OS versions cause a reboot rather than powerdown command when a stubbed out PCIe card which uses both an ASM1142 and ASM1543 is installed.   Swapping (and re-stubbing) out a card that only uses a asm1142 has proved fruitful. 

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