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Weird issues since upgrading to 6.6 - version 2


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I upgraded to 6.6 and 6.6.1 - since upgrading I had all sorts of issues.


I have since rolled back to 6.5.3 but am listing the issues I've experienced.  I'd love to get some feedback from those that know better than me (i.e. everyone) as the issues seem strange/bad enough to be worth mentioning.


1. Fuse crashing and taking NFS shares offline.  I'm aware this is a known issue caused by an incompatible or problematic kernel version, but I'm very frustrated that this wasn't caught during testing.  For a free or open source product I could understand or be a bit more relaxed about it, but this is a paid/commercial product.  Shares going offline (which is mentioned in the forums since 2014) is unacceptable.  I don't use CIFS and changing to that is not an option for me.

2. Unable to SFTP transfer any file bigger than around 32KB.  The file transfer begins and then just stops.  This means my workstation backups fail, since I'm doing that via SFTP.

3. Not long after, SSH stopped working altogether.  'root' login via SSH just said access denied.  GUI login works fine so I know my credentials are correct.  Upon checking the unRAID box with physical keyboard, I found /etc/ssh/sshd_config to be completely empty/zero bytes.  There was a file called /etc/ssh/ssh_config but that's not the correct file for SSH configuration.  Now that I'm on 6.5.3 again I can see the contents of /etc/ssh/sshd_config and it's got stuff in it.  Empty/zero bytes is obviously not the way things are supposed to be.

4. Some parts of the configuration disappeared.  My NTP configuration reverted to factory defaults and the unRAID system identification reverted to 'Tower' with no description.  Both are things I had altered via the GUI.


It's worth mentioning that unRAID 6.5.3 was rock solid before the upgrade - I don't know how or why but the 6.6 upgrade is exactly when these issues started occurring.


None of the above issues have occurred, not even once, since rolling back to 6.5.3 (which I did by reimaging the flash drive and starting my config from scratch).

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