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Parity Drive ATA errors


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After this weekend's parity check I got a spam of errors on the parity drive related to "Reallocated sector count, Reported uncorrect, Current pending sector, and Offline uncorrectable". According to the SMART Attributes, they all seem related to old age or pre-fail. Interestingly enough, the parity check itself produced no errors, but I'm going to guess that reallocation of sectors maybe avoided that?


Anyways, it seems self evident, but I thought I would ask here anyways.

These are all signs of that the drive is on its way out and will most likely fail in the near future, correct?


I intend to replace the drive immediately (as its on a production machine), but how long would you guy's temp fate by leave this thing in or using it in another machine?

Keeping in mind, the reallocated sector count Raw value was 648. 


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Ya, unfortunately more errors started cooking off, so I pulled it and am doing a parity-sync as we speak. Man, once it started to go, it just really went. Was 600~ this morning, was almost 2,000 by the time I pulled it. Thanks for the input o/

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