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Do I have to use default bridging of multiple NICs?


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Trying to isolate a networking problem - random connection drops - I’m having with a 10g switch. My server has dual Intel 10g NICs that Unraid 6.6 has setup in a bridge since the default network settings are Bridging=yes with both NICs: eth0 and eth1. A few questions about this:


- Do I have bridge the two NICs for some reason? If I am only using one cabled connection to eth0 can I just remove eth1 from the bridge?

- Must bridging be turned on at all? I am using Linuxserver Docker containers and some VMs, but not doing anything fancy with those for networking. Is a bridge setup by Unraid required for Docker and VM Manager?


I posted elsewhere about my Ubiquiti 10g XG switch issue, which I thought might be related to STP settings. But now I think it is the bridging setup and just don’t want to mess up my server without some input. The weird thing is that this same server has no network drops when connected to a 1g switch. It’s only when on the 10g switch where I see the issue.



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