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Background, my Unraid Server was originally brought up as a Windows 10 Pro Machine.  The motherboard (ASRock - X470 Taichi) has an NVME socket into which I inserted a 1 tb flash device and was booting off of that.  IIRC I partitioned it in half, OS in one half, Linux Mint VMs in the other.  I later performed a "metal to VM" conversion and placed the Windows 10 Pro instance into a VM, then converted to Linux Mint (which I have previously been playing with for some time) and got that VM mounting in VirtualBox under Linux Mint. 


And finally... leaving that NVME drive untouched, I brought up Unraid on the server machine.  I thought I would be able to mount and use that VM container under Unraid, and in fact just use the NMVE drive as high speed disk for docker and VM containers.


However Unraid sees the NVME module as "LVM2_Member and while it does show the "mount" button under unassigned devices, it has 


/mnt/disks/SAMSUNG_MZ1LV960HCJH-000MU_S2C2NAAH603800 when I expand the +, but the "insert" button for that is grayed out.


Truth be told I have no idea whether the VM containers will be usable anyway if I ever do get this roadblock figured out.  Further, those VM images are the only thing of value on the drive, so if the common wisdom is format and start over I will be fine with that.


The question then is can the NVME drive somehow be mounted and accessed.  If so how, in "nuub" to Linux / UnRaid terms?  If so will UnRaid's VM system even be able to handle the image created by Windows "metal to VM" widget, and get that mounted if I do manage to mount it and drag the image onto Unraid?


In the end, I want to use the NVME drive as high speed storage dedicated to Docker and VMs.  


Thanks in Advance foa any assistance on this.

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And of course the simple answer occurred to me after I pressed Send.  I unplugged the UnRaid flash drive and booted back into Linus Mint which is still installed on that module, whereupon I discovered that it wasn't as I remembered and so I simply wiped the disk and mounted it.  So I now have a 1tb flash NVME to use for UnRaid dockers and VMs.  Now I can move on to trying to figure that part out.


Sorry for the ping.

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